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Simon Rescued Me

A year ago, I was forced by my landlord to give up my two cats, Tasha (14yrs) and Mikey (12 years) and my dog Rowan (9 years). I surrendered them to Nebraska Humane Society hoping they would be adopted out and find loving homes to live out their lives. Rowan, was adopted right away, within 24 hours. Tasha and Mikey, however, were not so lucky. Tasha, it was discovered, had bladder cancer and was put down. Mikey apparently was not very happy to be there at all and had become aggressive. He, also, was put down. I was devastated. I had called to see about getting them back when they told me. I had raised them since they were babies and felt I had abandoned them to their fate.
I was an emotionally devastated train wreck. At night, I thought I would hear one or both of them meowing for me to let them in. Yet, when I would goto the door, of course, they weren't really there.
My house was empty. I was totally lost. Several months went by and I thought I needed to rescue someone else. I had asked my landlord, if I was able to get an indoor cat. He agreed, as he knew how much the other two had meant to me.
I immediately went looking. When I was on the Nebraska Humane Society's website, I had come across this beautiful black cat. I'm rather partial to black ones myself. He was ideal, he was a tri-pod, meaning he had three legs. He had lost one from falling from a tree.
He'd been there about a week or so. We were taken back to a reviewing room to see him and our helper also pointed out some other tri-pods as we walked passed. When we got there, another family had asked to see him as well. They went ahead and adopted him and one other black cat. Excellent taste they have. I was sad, but I was happy that he had a furever home.
I asked our helper about one of the other tri-pods they had. He was a yellow/white Tabby. His name was Simon. Simon had lost his back left leg in a trap apparently. He still had stitches. He hung out with us in the room for awhile. He checked us out and I guess he liked me, but what convinced me to get him was the fact that he had endeared himself to my significant other, Michael. Michael is not a fan of cats and thought I was crazy for wanting another after what had happened. But he understood my heart needed fixing.
We took Simon home and left his name as is. He's become Simon The Summoner in our household. He's worked so much magic in my life in the last year. He finished his healing here at home with us. He's adapted so well to walking and running and jumping with three legs. It's like he was born that way. He's melted Mike's heart-as much as can be towards a cat. Amazingly, that's a lot. He's also worked his healing magic on my heart.
I still miss my Tasha and Mikey. I pray they crossed over the Rainbow Bridge and are waiting for me. I pray they forgive me. But I hope for redemption in bringing Simon home. He's healed my heart for the most part, and make's my heart Super Happy.


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