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Mocha's Monday through Wednesday Adventures!

Beware of the Terrier Spy!

Monday 11-28
Mocha and Earnest 2Sometimes I wish I could be a stay-at-home dog mom, because Mocha was NOT happy about our transition back to normal life after his holiday activities. He whined a lot and barked a little when I left this morning for work. I feel like we're at the point where he's comfortable and testing his boundaries. Despite his displeasure, he is still very obedient. We've been practicing "Sit," at random times and places. For example, now that I know he is "testing" in the bedroom, I make sure my pocket is full of treats and walk around to various places and ask him to sit. He jumps on the bed...I ask him to sit/ We walk to one side of the bed...I ask him to sit/I burry myself under covers and say, "Sit."
Because Mocha is very smart, I think he needs that randomness laced into his structured day to stay engaged.
In the Evening...Mocha and my cat, Earnest, had some brief time off the leash together. I have a baby gate set up between the living room and the rest of my apartment. Luckily, Mocha hasn't realized that he can jump over the gate :-) For now...It's working really well.
Mocha barked at our Rat Terrier neighbor this evening, but ignored dozens of people and a couple large dogs that caught his eye.
Tuesday 11-29
Mocha outsideMocha is convinced the Rat Terrier is a spy who is tracking him. And to Mocha, this Terrier-Spy isn't the good  kind. He's not the "Matt Damon-Bourne Identity Hot-guy Spy." He's the, "IRS Agent-Gonna audit your Peanut-Mutter treats" kind of spy.
Our Rat Terrier Neighbor emerged from the elevator today with an entourage of humans, and Mocha barked at him...again. When he barks, I get his attention with an "EH EH EH," followed by a "Mocha," then a "Sit." This works, but needs to be repeated 2 or 3 times if the Rat Terrier is in Mocha's sights for a couple minutes.
After work...Mocha and Matt played fetch while I got some take-out for dinner. Mocha is REALLY happy with bits of concentrated and focused attention. Mocha greeted me excitedly when I got home...but then settled in and slept while Matt and I ate.
Wednesday 11-30
Mocha up close"Sleeping Mocha," is pretty much the cutest thing in the world. The second cutest: Watching him wake up and stretch after being completely lost in sleep. One of my favorite things about Mocha, is the way he senses when it's time to relax.

After we play/Come in from a walk/Get back from a car ride, I'll pat my lap and he'll jump up. He just takes a few seconds to get into position and falls asleep.
I spent some time with the Shelter dogs tonight...So Matt and Mocha did some male-bonding. After I got home and showered/changed Mocha and I went into work for a couple hours. Mocha is REALLY fun at work. He follows me around...Doesn't need his leash...AND very respectfully waits for his potty-breaks. I am really proud to report that he has not had an accident with me at work. Mocha does NOT "mark" his territory...Which is an amazing attribute for a dog that likes to go on field-trips. He truly wants to be successful with his potty-training and I'm VERY happy with his progress.
We're two weeks in...and I love him more every day. He's a wonderful little friend.


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